What we believe
Salvation message
You are saved by confessing your sins to God, receiving His forgiveness by believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.
This can happen through a simple prayer, like this: “ Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God and that you died in my place on the cross. Please, come into my life and give me the gift of eternal life. Amen.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should no perish but have everlasting life.”
You are welcome to our church to hear and learn more about God and find out what He has in store for your life.
We believe
- The Sinfulness of Man: Each human is a sinner by nature and is in need of divine salvation.
- Jesus’ Substitutionary Death: Jesus, the Son of God, has died a substitutionary death for the sins of the whole world.
- Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Jesus physically rose from the dead.
- God’s Righteous Judgment: Eternal life for the saved (those who believe in Jesus Christ) and eternal damnation for the unsaved (unbelievers).
- Salvation is a gift from God: It is given by grace through faith for those who believe in Christ and his substitutionary death on the cross.
- Assurance of Salvation: A child of God cannot lose his/her position with God, but will be punished of God if he/she lives in sin.
- Inspiration: All Scripture contained in the Old and New Testaments is verbally, entirely, and inerrantly inspired by God. The Bible is the final revelation of God and there are no other writings, which are inspired in the same sense.
- Trinity: There is but one God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each is infinite, eternal, and almighty.
The Person of Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life. Jesus Christ, the Son, is fully God and fully man, without his human and divine nature being blended with each other.
Church Every born-again believer is a member of the universal Body of Christ. The purpose of the local church is to build up believers and to evangelize the unbelievers. - Church: Every born-again believer is a member of the universal Body of Christ. The purpose of the local church is to build up believers and to evangelize the unbelievers.
- The Second Coming of Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ will return to rapture His church. Immediately following this event there will be the seven-year tribulation period, when God will pour out His wrath upon the earth. Concluding this, Christ will come again to the earth and establish His rule for a 1000-year period.
- Judgement Seat of Christ: Immediately after the rapture, the church will be judged by Christ. At this judgement, believers will be rewarded for their walk on earth.
- Angels: All the angels, holy and fallen ones, are created by God and are sentient beings. Satan, originally created by God for good, has fallen through his own choice.
- Baptism by Water: Water baptism follows the conversion to faith. It does not bring the forgiveness of sins, as all who believe in Jesus are already justified by the shedding of His blood. Water baptism is a profession of one’s faith in Jesus Christ.
- Communion / The Lord’s Supper: Communion is celebrated in remembrance of Jesus’ atoning death.