Kuopio Summer seminar August 18–20, 2023
Welcome to enjoy the warmth of summer and shared moments with our church family. The theme for the weekend is Galatians 6:9 ”And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Our guests are pastor Ekku Reini and his wife Alina from Jyväskylä. We invite you to come to be encouraged and to encourage others! Greetings in the Lord Jesus, pastor Björn and Riitta Cederberg Friday, August 18th at 5:30 Welcome coffee at 6:30 Session #1; Come to a quiet place and rest for awhile… Saturday, August
Summer Holiday & Special Event (July 12th)
During weeks 26 to 29 there is no Sunday services (July 2.-23, four Sundays). On Sunday July 30th we are back and continue with Sunday services starting at 11 am. Kulmakivi Church wishes a good and blessed summer to everyone! Special Event On Wed. July 12th at 5 pm. you are welcome to Kulmakivi. Pastor Thomas Schaller from Baltimore, USA, is our guest. Pastor Schaller is the founder of the Greater Grace churches in Finland as he arrived in Helsinki in 1975 leading the missionary team. We hope to see you!
Christmas season update
The Sunday services on the 25h of Dec and on the 1st of Jan will be at 4pm. You are warmly welcome! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Summer break from June 20th to July 16th
Cornerstone / Greater Grace Church is on summer break from June 20th to July 16th, 2022. The next service is on July 17th at 11 am. Welcome! We wish everyone a happy summer!
Bible school info spring-summer 2022
We have started to study 1John. Our 1st class was on May 5th at 6pm; 1John1 Next classes: 2. Thursday May 12th at 4pm (exception); 1John2 3. Thursday May 19th at 6pm; 1John3 4. Thursday June 2nd at 6pm; 1John4 5. Thursday June 9th at 6pm; 1John5 Language: Finnish or English (depending on students present). Discussion after class for 15 to 20 minutes. Possibly petanque on the field nearby (weather permitting). You are welcome!